about me
Dr. Kambwala is a powerful witchdoctor that cures those in USA, UK, South African, Kenya, Jamecia also spell caster who uses spiritual powers to handle and tackle troubling problems that we face in our normal life's. be it's physical or spiritual like love problems ,business issues brings Lost items , drug addiction, infertility, debts ,man power and size, political powers, gambling ,financial instability and so many others that are unlisted services am based on the African traditional values, religional also clan taboos where we believe the ancestors and spirits play a very important role in our society by encounting us to see into the future and giving us solutions to our day today problems by use of divination, casting spells, doing rituals, fortune telling, prayers and chants use of juju to tackle and over come them and no doubt each spell, prayer casted is successful also what is most important to me is the realization that ‘traditional medicine,’ or Native ways of knowing and understanding the world, are just as important, valid and useful today as they were 700 years ago Dr. Kambwala says. “I feel like indigenous knowledge and medicine can work with traditional medicine to create something that is more complete, more whole" With growing numbers of people searching for alternatives to the biomedical model of health care, Dr. Kambwala uses his apothecary to treat illnesses & other life diseases from arthritis and respiratory problems to heart disease and diabetes to anxiety, depression, skin diseases & many others more.